Wednesday, July 16, 2014

咖喱鸡肉盖饭 Japanese Influenced Chinese Chicken Curry Over Rice

As promised here is my favorite tried, tested, delicious and true recipe for Chicken Curry. You can find the original recipe at The recipe I have linked for you is just perfect, same taste I remember from Taiwan. The only changes that I made was to swap out the store bought curry roux for a homemade curry roux as well as a few spice additions. Some people like their curry thin and others like it thick. I like it some where inbetween and that is what this recipe will give you. For a thin curry just reduce the flour in the roux to 3 Tbsp. For a thick curry increase the flour to 5 Tbsp.

Curry was introduced to Japan through English influence out of India. It was also the English who introduced the Japanese to ketchup and Worcestershire sauce. Two very loved western sauces in Japan, Taiwan and China. Just about every Asian country has also created their own variations of curry.Traditional Taiwanese and Chinese curry has been influenced largely by Japanese curries and are all but one and the same in taste, look and texture. Chinese curries also have some Malaysian influence.

3 Chicken Breasts or 6 chicken thighs cut into bite size pieces
2 large carrots, cut into bite size pieces
1 large potato cut into bite size pieces
1 onion, cut into bite size pieces
1 cup peas (optional)
3 cups water

Chicken Marinade
1 Tbsp. curry powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 large cloves garlic
1 tsp. minced ginger
1/2 tsp. five spice powder (optional, if you don't like five spice leave it out)

Curry Roux
This is a recipe for homemade curry roux you can also use half a box store-bought curry roux instead.
1/4 cup butter
4 Tbsp. flour
1 Tbsp. curry powder
1 Tbsp. tumeric (optional, for a more golden color)
1/2 Tbsp. garam masala
1 tsp. paprika or chili powder according to your spice tolerance
1 Tbsp. ketchup
1 Tbsp. worcestershire sauce
3 Tbsp. sugar

Prepare and Marinate the Chicken

Place chicken in a colander and rinse under hot water. Clean the meat well. The meat will start to turn white under the hot water.
Add marinade ingredients (1 Tbsp. curry powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. pepper and 2 Tbsp. soy sauce, 2 cloves garlic and 1 tsp. minced ginger and 1/2 tsp. five spice powder) to chicken and mix thoroughly then let marinate at least 30 minutes.
Chop 2 carrots, 1 potato and 1 onion into bite size pieces.

Make the Curry Roux

Melt 1/4 cup butter in a saucepan. Add 4 Tbsp. flour and stir to thoroughly combine. Continue to cook, stirring frequently until the roux turns golden brown.
When the roux has turned golden brown add in spices (1 Tbsp. curry powder, 1 Tbsp. turmeric (optional), 1/2 tbsp. garam masala and 1 tsp. paprika
Once the spices are incorporated add 1 Tbsp. ketchup, 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce and
3 Tbsp., more or less,  sugar or honey depending on how sweet you like your curry.
Stir until thickened and remove from the heat.
Heat a wok over medium high heat. Add 2 tbsp. oil and swirl around. Then add onions, potatoes and carrots. Stir-fry a few minutes.
Add in the marinated chicken and stir-fry a few minutes.
Add in curry roux and stir to coat.
Add in 3 cups of water.
Simmer uncovered until the potatoes and carrots are fully cooked. Then Serve.
Curry makes my list of the worlds best comfort foods. I never get tired of it. My family adores this curry and I hope yours will too.

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